how do i know if my son is taking cannabis? in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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how do i know if my son is taking cannabis?

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slimbo | 00:14 Wed 08th Feb 2006 | Parenting
5 Answers
how do i know if my son is taking cannabis? what can i do to stop him?
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Have you tried asking him? You might find the presence of rolling papers a sign, then again he might just smoke roll ups. It has a distinctive smell which is clearly different from normal cigarettes but then so do some herbal cigs.The reality is you can't stop him, he has to want to not smoke it.

You haven't said how old he is, but your major piece of good news is he may not be, followed by the fact that it really doesn't lead to harder drugs. I'd talk to him if I were you and don't go mad about it, no matter what he says. The main thing is for him to trust you enough to tell you then you can move forward from there.

Perhaps the reason he is smoking canabis is because he has a 17 year old father who is likely to be sacked because he messes about at work (see the following posts:



Whats your game then?

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lol, i am the 1 who is 17 and am getting the sack at work n sum1 i no has the son who is smoking cannabis who was using my account

Your 'hijacker' even types like you too, like not starting a sentence with a cap and using a small 'i' instead of an 'I'


hahahahahahahahahahahah busted!!!!!

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how do i know if my son is taking cannabis?

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